Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Weaning/ Weight Gain

I've been pregnant and/or breastfeeding continuously now since I was pregnant with my first... that would be more than 9 years now. I knew when my last child was done nursing and I no longer could eat those extra calories a pregnant and/or breastfeeding woman needs... the weight would start to pack on. It's packing on now : ( I'm seriously bummed. I've really been spoiled, not having to worry much about what I ate. Of course, I do my best to eat well most of the time and get some exercise but I do enjoy my treats.

Mira will turn three this March. She's still nursing but she's down to once or twice a day. I have no idea how much I weigh right now, I just know I had to buy a new bra because my old ones don't fit and I hate wearing pants right now because my tummy is spilling over the waistband. The icing on the cake was my six year looking at me while I was changing clothes and pointed to my tummy and said, "you really need to lose some weight".

Of course I know this is partly my fault. I complain about my body and weight in front of my daughter and I SHOULDN'T. I really shouldn't and I know it but I still catch myself doing it. Maybe instead of worrying about the extra weight I'm putting on I should make a New Year's resolution to not complain about my body in front of my daughters?

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