Monday, March 07, 2011

Gecko Strips, egrips failure!

So disappointed. The non-skid sticky things came in the mail today. I went down, cleaned off the back of one LEGO plate with rubbing alcohol. Put five little round circles- four corners and one in the middle... and failure! I can still push the plate around the table. Now maybe the little circle size is too small? But it sure seemed to do a whole lot of nothing. Maybe I'll try the biggest size to see if it does any better.

Okay, so in all fairness to egrips, it seems to be a surface coverage issue. I managed to get enough on the back of one plate to pretty much keep it from slipping. I put some of the round dots on the back of my cell phone and it definitely passed the dashboard test. I put the cell phone up on the dashboard of my car while driving around and doing errands and it stayed in place.

I think it would actually work for the LEGO plates really well if I had a big sheet of the stuff to put on the back of the plate. They do sell a roll of the stuff.... it's expensive but I might buy the roll and give it one more shot.

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